Der PARITÄTISCHE turns 100

Together we are stronger! This is true in many areas, including social work. That's why Der PARITÄTISCHE Wohlfahrtsverband has been around for 100 years. The association of now more than 400 non-profit organisations has been doing indispensable work for countless people in Hamburg since 1924 (and some members even longer!): whether in a daycare centre, a youth residence, a senior citizens' meeting place, a nursing home, a social counselling centre, a project for queer people, after-school care at schools, a German course for migrants or a self-help organisation - for all member organizations of Der PARITÄTISCHE, the focus is on people and their dignity, participation and self-determination.

"We make Hamburg more social!"

This is the association's anniversary motto and it expresses what it is all about: people take centre stage, not profit. For 100 years, the association and its non-profit members have been working to do just that. And in 100 years' time, their work will still be necessary, perhaps in a different form, perhaps in some areas more or in others less than today. Promoting social cohesion and supporting small, large, sick, advice-seeking, elderly people or refugees is more important today than ever.

Der PARITÄTISCHE Hamburg and its members will continue to make their contribution to a more social Hamburg in the future, just as they have been doing for the past 100 years.